Senior Class Announcements
Senior Sponsor
For questions, contact Norma Medlin

Important Dates
September 27: (Friday) Senior Fees Due $150
October 15: Senior Drape & Tux Portraits Click Here
October 30: Josten meets with seniors 9:15-10:05
(Graduation supplies)
November 6: Josten will take orders for Graduation Supplies (Cap & Gown) & class rings. 9:15-10:40. Requires at least a $50 deposit.
January 22: Panoramic PIcture
February 7: Senior Quotes Due
February 18: Senior Cap & Gown Portraits
March 7: Last day to pre-order yearbooks.
April 11: PROM 7-11 @ The Locale
May 13: GRADUATION @ 2pm

Graduation Requirements for Attire

Senior Fee-Required
Senior Fee is $150. Due by Friday September 27th!
The Senior Fee includes senior shirt, class gift, graduation, and other miscellaneous expenses.
Seniors may not participate in senior events until the fee is paid. Keep your receipt.
These fees are non-refundable.
Click here to pay your Senior Fee.
Senior Pictures / Yearbook

Ordering your Cap & Gown
Congratulations on entering your Senior year! Jostens is proud to serve you as you embark on an unforgettable journey through your last year of high school. Please note the following information that will help guide you to a successful graduation.
First and most importantly, I want to inform you of some key dates that have already been established.
SR CLASS MEETING: The MHS Senior Cap & Gown/ Graduation Supplies meeting will be held on __October 30 at 9:15 AM__ in the auditorium. All Seniors should attend and bring a pen to write with. At this meeting, I will explain the ordering process for cap & gown and any other items you wish to purchase. I will explain the payment options, how to order, and I’ll bring samples for you to view. I will also answer any questions you may have regarding graduation. You will receive a packet of information and an ordering kit during this meeting. No money will be due at the meeting.
I am very excited to meet with all of you and I look forward to what will hopefully be a “normal” school year. In the meantime, you can reach my office (356 Dauphin St) at (251) 345-4707 Monday – Friday 9a-4p if you need to reach out to us. Thanks much & GO PANTHERS!
John Wiggins Jr.
Senior/Junior 2025 Parent Meeting
Instructions to Complete Four Year Plan
We are going to allow seniors to complete the KUDER requirements for graduation. Once KUDER requirements are completed for graduation, then they will need to complete the MCPSS survey at the bottom of the page.
I have included yesterday’s instructions once again for those who still need to complete them. Please monitor and make sure they are doing these 4 steps in KUDER. By not completing these steps, it counts against student graduation, but it will count against the school.
All seniors have to complete the following 3 components in KUDER to graduate; Career Exploration Assessments, Resume, Cover Letter, a Four Year Plan. Please make sure seniors are aware these are graduation requirements and must be completed correctly.
How to access KUDER?
- Go to, select Clever Icon "C" top left under Murphy High School
- Scroll down to More Apps
- Select KUDER Alabama (halfway down on the right)
- Select Take An Assessment (under Home on the left)
- Take each of the 3 assessments: Career Interest, Skills Confidence, and Work Values
- Some students may have previously taken the assessments, but they need to retake them to reflect this school year.
- Go to My Ed Plan and complete a new 4 year plan which outlines all the classes they have taken over the past 4 years. Students may copy a previous plan, if they have one.
- Under Job Search Tools, students choose Create a Cover Letter ( a sample is sample is attached) and also choose a Create a Resume.
* If students log in thru Clever, then they will automatically be logged into Kuder. If they go to the website,, then they log in as if they are logging into their computer.
MCPSS Survey:
**COMPLETE FAFSA at or come by guidance and sign a waiver**